In ignorance, sanctity is attached to self styled piirs, like
priests and saints, and followed blindly, a worst kind of slavery,
even to the extent of so called ignonimous 'dissolution of person
of the follower into the piir.'
Ignorance is a lame excuse, in fact, no excuse. Ignorance is
root cause of sin. It incites sin and sinks into it. Like worst kind
of sin in shirk, ignorance is the worst of all causes of disbelief
and disobedience. It is equated with cruelty (zulm). Yusuf
(Peace be upon him) said:
"Unless you turn away their plot from me,
I will feel inclined towards them, and
be one of the ignorant (jaahileen)." 12-33
'Jaahi l ' ( ignorant ) does the forbidden. Obst inate
disobedience is different from failure to obey out of foolishness
and soon repented and rectified:
"Allah accepts the repentance only of of those
who do evil in ignorance and foolishness, and
repent soon afterwards." (4-17)
Qataadah said: "The Companions of the Messenger of
Allah agreed that everything by which Allah is disobeyed is
Your Rabb has decreed to you that: You shall worship none but Him, and you shall be kind to your parents; if one or both of them live to their old age in your lifetime, you shall not say to them any word of contempt nor repel them and you shall address them in kind words. (17:23)
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